Time-Based Media Art

The conservation and restoration of time-based media art should bring a creativity to the digital skills and competencies of youths, particularly in the field of conserving time-based media art. The overall intention is the development of the digital cultural field Read more…

Digital Cultural Youth Curriculum – Cinema

The Erasmus+ Project Digital Cultural Designer (DCD) aims to extend and enhance the digital skills and competencies of young people particularly in the field of culture by promoting cultural education through innovative online tools and methods.  In the framework of the DCD project, a curriculum will be developed to cater to the needs of museums, archives, libraries, Read more…

Digital Tools and Digital Resources

Traditionally, cultural institutions, such as libraries and museums, have been responsible for the storing and preservation of cultural material. However, due to technological advances, primarily digital tools, such institutions are coming up with new approaches to how users experience art and culture. This Read more…